AutoScalingGroup: what is the meaning of desideredCapacity?


i can understand

  • min desidered capacity: 1
  • max desidered capacity: 12

so, based on load, i could have 1 to 6 instances (keep away the problem of Set healthy percentage for now

But i cannot understand the role of

  • desidered capacity

I tried to setup desidered capacity to 6 and, at launch, It launches 6 instances

Is this only the 'starting amount of instances' ? or is something more important?

2 Answers


Please look at the AWS Document link if you get more information.

please try to unuderstand my solution it will hlepful for you.

Desiredcapacity 6

This is Example

If one instance fails, the Auto Scaling group will launch another instance to maintain 6 instances.

If the load increases and triggers a scale-out policy, the desiredCapacity might increase to 8 (for example), and the group will launch 2 more instances, making it a total of 8 running instances.

If the load decreases and triggers a scale-in policy, the desiredCapacity might decrease to 4, and the group will terminate 2 instances, leaving 4 running instances.

answered 24 days ago


Desired capacity: Represents the initial capacity of the Auto Scaling group at the time of creation. An Auto Scaling group attempts to maintain the desired capacity. It starts by launching the number of instances that are specified for the desired capacity, and maintains this number of instances as long as there are no scaling policies or scheduled actions attached to the Auto Scaling group.

Minimum capacity: Represents the minimum group size. When scaling policies are set, they cannot decrease the group's desired capacity lower than the minimum capacity.

Maximum capacity: Represents the maximum group size. When scaling policies are set, they cannot increase the group's desired capacity higher than the maximum capacity.

The minimum and maximum size limits also apply in the following scenarios:

When you manually scale your Auto Scaling group by updating its desired capacity.

When scheduled actions run that update the desired capacity. If a scheduled action runs without specifying new minimum and maximum size limits for the group, then the group's current minimum and maximum size limits apply.

An Auto Scaling group always tries to maintain its desired capacity. In cases where an instance terminates unexpectedly (for example, because of a Spot Instance interruption, a health check failure, or human action), the group automatically launches a new instance to maintain its desired capacity.

I hope this helps Thanks

answered 24 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 24 days ago

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