Retain share name while migrating from SMB shares to AWS FSx - Windows


We are currently migrating to AWS and have around 90 TB of CIFS/SMB shares to be migrated to AWS and we are thinking of using FSX. However, there is a requirement within the applications to use the same share name as on prem. Can this be achieved by FSx for Windows?

Example: On prem application reads/writes to a share - \nanpfssvfp01a\VMS_Entapps_1\Active_X

Is it possible to retain the same naming convention on FSx?

Example: The application reads and writes to share "\nanpfssvfp01a\VMS_Entapps_1\Active_X". Can this be share name be retained?

asked 5 years ago437 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can access your file systems using a DNS alias of your choosing. With DNS aliases, you can continue using existing DNS names to access data stored on Amazon FSx when migrating file system storage from on-premises to Amazon FSx, without needing to update any tools or applications. See Managing DNS aliases

For more information, see [Migrating existing file storage to Amazon FSx] (

answered 5 years ago

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