Cannot create a DRA for UAE S3 bucket


We are facing an issue regarding adding data repository association between fsx lustre and s3 bukcet based me-central-1 region. While for other regions it works well.

We always this error message: Amazon FSx is unable to validate access to the S3 bucket. Ensure the IAM role or user you are using has s3:Get*, s3:List* and s3:PutObject permissions to the S3 bucket prefix.

We verfied the permession for the bucket and all is good.

The issue is only occur for S3 bucjets based UAE region (me-central-1)

asked 7 months ago430 views
1 Answer

For cross-account access, adjust the S3 bucket policy to allow FSx operations from the FSx account. Try this to resolve your issue Unable to validate access to an S3 bucket when creating a data repository association

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • Thanks for your comment. In fact I followed this reference but unfortunately, I got the same error. I am wondering if there is an region limitation in UAE S3 buckets

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