Suspended Versioning


If bucket versioning is suspended for a bucket and an object has been added to it, the object version will be null. Now if I Enable the versioning of the bucket and upload the object again with same name, will there be two object versions, one as null and the latest one having some other version id? Or will there be only one version id?

asked a month ago188 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Step 1: You have bucket versioning enabled initially.

**Step 2: **You suspend versioning and upload an object (let's call it file.txt). This object will have a null version ID.

Step 3: You then re-enable versioning and upload file.txt again with the same name.


Versioning Suspended: When you upload file.txt while versioning is suspended, S3 treats it as an unversioned object and assigns it a null version ID.

Versioning Enabled Again: When you re-enable versioning and upload file.txt again, S3 will create a new version of the object with a unique version ID.


Two Versions of the Object:

There will be two versions of file.txt:

null version ID: The object uploaded when versioning was suspended.

A new version ID: The object uploaded after re-enabling versioning.

The null version remains associated with the object from when versioning was suspended, and any new uploads after versioning is re-enabled will receive unique version IDs.

This means that S3 does not overwrite the null version but instead creates a new version with a different version ID.

please refer once below document,PUT%20becomes%20the%20current%20version%20of%20the%20object.

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
reviewed a month ago

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