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Freeze/close an account


I told my team members not to use this account, and we tried to migrate to a different cloud account since last month.

But AWS sent me a big surprising bill this month, there were many unrecognized activities in our account. I email and talked to AWS a number of time in last two weeks. AWS staff checked my account, seeing no usage activities as we have deleted everything ( except I failed to delete the organization and the was some error message) . Meanwhile AWS still keeps charging me everyday.

It is really frustrating/upsetting that AWS keeps charging me everyday while we donot use anything (they have verified also). Appreciate any advice. Thanks

2 Answers

If you want to close an account you can do it by login using root user and go to account settings page at the bottom you can find account close option..

answered 2 years ago

Thank you for your answer.

There is an AWS backup plan activated in my account. When I tried to remove it , the web page says that I donot have a permission and needs to ask the administrator. I am the account owner and has the root permission.

AWS customer service says that they cannot delete this backup plan, meanwhile they do not know the reason, saying they ask other teams to solve, meanwhile AWS still runs this backup and charges me everyday.

Any tip will be appreciated on how to handle that.

answered 2 years ago

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