(LAMBDA) UnknownError in AWS Console


When I try to access my Lambda functions, I get an "Unknown error" error and I can't access them. The calls to my functions are also not working.

This has been happening for 3 days, and I can't find a solution.

asked 4 days ago27 views
1 Answer


Does the same error occur even if you access from another browser or another PC?
Also, are there any policies set for the IAM user used to operate Lambda?
You can check whether the IAM policy is sufficient from the CloudTrail event history.

If the above does not resolve the issue, there may be a problem on the AWS side, so I recommend that you open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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answered 4 days ago
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reviewed 2 days ago
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reviewed 3 days ago

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