Lightsail database storage-full status can not restored


My database service has fallen in storage-full state. I tried to restore it by Emergency Restore function, setting restore time to the time before lastRestorableTime. I checked this using AWS CLI command* aws lightsail get-relational-database and making new instance which has doubled disk size. The original one was 40GB, and the new one is 80GB

ex) "latestRestorableTime": "2022-12-26T21:55:00+00:00",

A instance is made succesfully but the new instance is still on storage-full state

There're two stroage full database even one is new and it has double sized

I want restore my data but there's nothing I can do I can't login or query to database on CLI, I can't dump by data neither.

And as I continued to create databases that didn't even work, I wasted a lot of my time and spent a lot of money on the cloud billing.

I think the person in charge of AWS should solve this problem. Lightsail database is not working as you designed it and someone is suffering a lot.

1 Answer


The best way to recover the data and get your database back to workable is to use the Emergency Restore function in Lightsail's database feature, which will create a new database from a point-in-time restore point. Here are the docs on this feature:

To make this work, however, you have to select a larger bundle in order to get more storage for your database. If not, the new database will immediately run out of storage again.

Once the customer creates a larger DB from the point-in-time restore, the customer can delete temporary files, and any unnecessary tables, and create a database with the original size following:

answered 2 years ago
  • As you can see in the screenshot I attached, I made double sized new database. The original was 40GB, and new one is 80GB. But it's still storage-full state!

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