Existing FARGATE_SPOT provider cannot provide Fargate platform upgr. to 1.4


Hi there,

Thank you for the new version of Fargate platform, 1.4. It brings EFS integration, which is tremendously helpful for cloud-ish applications. This will relieve our EC2 management.

We are now doing upgrade tests in our clusters and services. Below is the explanation of what's happening:

Existing cluster has an EC2 AutoScaling capacity provider and a FARGATE_SPOT provider. There is a Fargate service that uses the Fargate platform LATEST, which is still 1.3. We updated the service to use 1.4 explicitly. Service says, "Capacity is unavailable at this time. Please try again later or in a different availability zone.".

We see similar behaviors in various places of ECS, where you cannot really update some of the features once you create them. I suspect the capacity provider was fixed to version 1.3 when it was created and cannot provide 1.4 anymore. We see the same situation even if we create a service from scratch with platformVersion 1.4 and FARGATE_SPOT provider.

Do you have any guidance?

Thank you,

asked 4 years ago1790 views
1 Answer

There is no limit with capacity providers and using Fargate Spot with platform version 1.4, what you are seeing is instead that there is relatively little Spot capacity for platform version 1.4 at the moment as we have focused on platform version 1.3 capacity for Fargate Spot, driven by customer demand. You will see this change shortly and can expect increased Spot capacity for platform version 1.4.

Also, please do keep in mind that there is inherently no guarantee that Spot capacity will be available for any platform version. If you are running a service it would be appropriate to have a mix of Spot and on-demand capacity configured to ensure you can run tasks for the service.

profile pictureAWS
answered 4 years ago

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