Creating SSL certificate


Hello I am trying to create an SSL certificate for my Elastic Beanslack application with AWS. I am using the default domain provided by Beanslack and choosing DNS validation. As far as I understand it should be validated automatically, internally in AWS. However the status of the certificate is still pending validation. What should I do?

asked 3 months ago308 views
1 Answer


By default, your environment is available to users at a subdomain of When you create an environment, you can choose a hostname for your application. The subdomain and domain are autopopulated to To route users to your environment, Elastic Beanstalk registers a CNAME record that points to your environment's load balancer. You can see URL of your environment's application with the current value of the CNAME

If you need HTTPS for your Elastic Beanstalk environment using the default domain, you will have to set it up manually using a self signed certificate. You can follow this post:


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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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