Error - Your request failed because there’s a conflict with current state of the target resource. Please change the properties and try again.


I get this error when trying to connect a lightsail server to a Cloud9 implementation. I already have an EC2 service, which is stopped (I have tried with it running).

  • Your request failed because there’s a conflict with current state of the target resource. Please change the properties and try again.

followed by - AWS Cloud9 couldn't connect to SSH server bitnami@172.x.x.x

I am pretty sure I followed the correct procedure as documented.

Thanks in advance of any answers.


1 Answer
Accepted Answer

OK, so the first time I followed the process there was not a SSH key in the VI interface, the second time there was one there from Bitnami.

This seems to have solved the issue.

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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