Converting aws account to US for billing


How do I convert an AWS account that was created in India to a US one? I am having challenges paying bills end of every month as AWS is not accepting US credit card anymore

2 Answers

Hi there,

If you used India as your contact address initially. Your account was signed up with Amazon Internet Services Private Limited (AISPL). Your accounts is managed by AISPL and is billed in Indian Rupees by default. With AISPL accounts you can not change the country attributed in your contact information or convert it to a normal AWS account. You can refer to the, managing an account in Indai, documentation to see how you can manage your account in India. Otherwise, you would have to create a new account using your US address.

answered 2 years ago

Unfortunately, AWS India accounts cannot transfer to AWS. However, you can use AWS immediately by creating a new account and specifying a country other than India while signing up.

For more information about managing an account in India, see the following:

answered 3 months ago

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