Probably a silly question, as i bet the answer is NO WAY
Can anyone offer any help, how do i get to chat to some one senior with god like powers over AWS (maybe not as high as Jeff B., but hay, i am sure he can sort it out). i already pay for support.
I am migrating servers to AWS (lightSail for now), not as a free customer!
There has been problem after problem, most down to AWS.
I chat to billing, who are nice, but not able to help.
i upgrade to Developer Support (on billing recommendation), who are also nice, but take days to reply and are limited on the help they can give or have access too
I upgrade to Business support (on billing recommendation), so i can chat to nice support staff, but are also limited on what they can access, help with.
I have simple websites, that need to be able to send small amounts of transactional emails, and me be able to send and receive simple emails, like almost all sites do....
After moving over some sites, i now find port 25 (emails/smtp) is blocked, and i need to request to be able to send simple emails.
So i submit my request following all the guidelines, answer the (silly) questions, and then i get no reply.
I contact business support, who after several hours manage to get through to the "trust and safety team" (who i am not allowed to chat to).
Trust and Safety then send me an email with a support number (that is not listed in my support cases....). asking me the same questions as the application for did...
I answer them and hit send..... i hear nothing...
I contact business support (who are great), and after a few hours they manage to get a reply from trust & safety, saying i should have had or will get an email from them (i still have not had this email). And all they can tell the Business support is that my application (to send small amounts of simple emails) has been "denied" but the case is still open, and awaiting to be closed.... So i can not request the port be opened, until the existing case is closed.
Business support cannot understand why it was declined, as i have sent them all my answers to the questions i was asked, and agree i easily fit within the T&Cs.....
Unfortunately are now stuck too (and very sorry) but can only advice i await the email that they say has been sent or will be sent very soon (i still have not received it....)
This should have been a simple server migration, but so far i have spent more time on support than anything else, and am still getting no where. i now have domains that cannot send or receive simple emails.... and i cant seem to get any further, other than wait an unspecified amount of time...
Without having to pay $15,000 to get access to Enterprise support (who might not be able to help anyhow, nor can i afford it), there must be some way of escalating a problem (that everyone i speak to agrees is a problem! Billing have even credited me, as that is all the help they can give me... maybe i should see if they will credit me the $15,000 for enterprise support :-) )
Can anyone offer any help, how do i get to chat to some one senior with god like powers over AWS (maybe not as high as Jeff B., but hay, i am sure he can sort it out)
This is the first time i have used AWS, their reputation is great, but in all honesty they are not making a great first impression with me....
Thank you
Thank you Elle, for your steps to get this resolved. I have reached out to several support staff, who are currently keeping the care open (nor can they understand some of the problems or have a resolution for me. They all understand the frustration cause too. so thank toy also). Maybe it is just bad luck from my part considering the very good reputation of AWS. However i am still yet to hear back from the Safety and Trust team, even though 2 Business support personal are keeping this as an open case and so is one billing support worker. I just do not understand myself, why they are not contacting me. my email is correct, i have checked my spam filter and have full access to my email logs. NO email had been sent explaining anything from the Safety and Trust team. I like Amazon, i buy LOTS from them and am now (almost an AWS customer, but to be honest have been looking at other options today...), but maybe i dont buy enough or Jeff B. must have a personal grudge against me, although i have never met, talked to or crossed paths with him. I am confused by all of this too. there seems no logic to it (yet i an a 30 year time served coder.... logic is what i understand...) Thank you for your help and reply (if you could get Jeff B. on to this i would be very grateful 🤣 )