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Switched Intent not showing in Lex analytics


I have developed a chatbot in lex v2. There are 3 intents(A,B,C). From A intent we go to B intent initialization and after displaying a message we switch to C intent.

I can see A & C intent in lex analytics but can't see B intent in conversation flows. Over there it looks like it went from A intent to C intent.

How can I get B intent information in conversation flow inside lex analytics?

asked a month ago47 views
1 Answer

Hi, If you are not moving past the "Initial response" step in an intent. This is expected behavior. For an intent to be considered as a step in "Conversation Flow" you will need to at least move to the "elicit slot" step in the intent.

This is because till the "Initial response" step the intent has a deterministic flow, i.e. it will always flow in the same direction. Only after this step, we can have branches where the conversation can flow in different directions.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

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