New to AWS, Transcribe streamming question


I need to create a app that uses Transcribe on Unreal, but I'm just plain dumb, please guide me:

they have something like to start a session:

POST /stream-transcription HTTP/2 host: X-Amz-Target: com.amazonaws.transcribe.Transcribe.StartStreamTranscription Content-Type: application/ . . . . . so on

I can't for the life of me get past this I tried with postman, and on unreal itself, I got the IAM and everything else sorted, but I don't know if I need a function from the SDK to gerate the URL, when I try to do it myself I get:

<UnknownOperationException/> or The WebSocket handshake failed ( when using socket)

As I just started using AWS I'm lost, any guidance is welcome

asked 3 years ago601 views
1 Answer


Apparently the Authentication header having the credentials is missing, or the user bound to the IAM is lacking permissions to the transcribe:StartStreamTranscription API

The whole request, including the Authentication header, can be constructed manually, as described in the Setting up an HTTP/2 stream section from Amazon Transcribe documentation, or you can use the AWS SDK for JavaScript - see

answered 3 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

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