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Lightsail instance shutdown unexpectedly kernel-power-41 error


my lightsail instance shuts down unexpectedly with windows kernel-power-41 error

without any window log, lightsail history, lightsail metrics

Enter image description here after booting instance, window log created. system shut down with kernel-power-41 error

Enter image description here after booting instance, window log created 2. shut down occurred at yesterday PM 11:00

Enter image description here no window log when PM 11:00

Enter image description here no metrics

Enter image description here no history at PM 11:00 10/ 27 /2022

my question is

  1. why this kernel error occurred in aws lightsail instance?
  2. Is there any way to start instance automatically when unexpectedly shutdwon like this case
asked 2 years ago481 views
1 Answer

it's just a issue from AWS side as lightsail is a AWS managed service. some common scenario under which it might occur mentioned in url. more info :-

answered 2 years ago
  • thanks for the help, you mean that window kernel error is might occur, so it means that real(physical) aws server error occurred? then I want amazon to notice for me...

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