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Amazon Connect with Q for Agent in CCP



I'm having issue using Q in CCP for agent.

I'm in Central region. I'm stepup in French-Ca.

Some of the interaction with Q in CCP are in French, other are in EnglishEnter image description here

All my documentagtion in the S3 bucket is in french.

My browser is also in french.

The Set recording and analytics behavior block is also setup in French-Ca

Any idea?

  • Does this happen to the same question or randomly happens to different questions. Some times the answer is in French then other in English?

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asked 6 months ago116 views
1 Answer

Amazon Q in Connect currently supports the following languages: • English (Australia) • English (Great Britain) • English (United States)

This explains why you are receiving responses and recommendations in English, even though your setup and content are in French.

For the most up-to-date list of supported languages, please visit the AWS documentation at:

answered 2 months ago

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