AmazonKendra- Salesforce Integration


Hello Team ,

I have integrate between Amazon Kendra - Salesforce and am able to search as well acrose my Salesforce data source. But am stuck how can I achieve ACL on my salesforce data so that user can see data on which they have access only. For Example there is user Simran having profile System Administrator and it dont have access on Contact object records this is setup in Salesforce but how can I make sure if Simran search in AMazon Kendra she will not able to Contact object records or she can only records on which she have access while searching in Amazon Kendra. Thanks,

1 Answer

When configuring your Salesforce connector, you can activate Identity crawler on the Define access and security configuration page, which will automatically crawl and index your configured ACL information.

If identity crawler is deactivated, you must upload the principal information using the PutPrincipalMapping API

Reference: Documentation for Salesforce connector.

answered a year ago

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