How to implement unity client to get notification from game session placement?


I'm making multiplayer game using Unity Mirror and GameLift. I have uploaded my build, create gamefleet, create queue and want to create game session using StartGameSessionPlacementAsync method. In the documentation, I have to set up event notification for game session placement. ( link: ) so following this guide, I have set up an SNS topic. But then? How my unity client subscribe to that topic and get notification when game session placement state is changed to FULFILLED ? I can't find any tutorial about that. Please help me! Thank you very much!

asked 3 years ago402 views
8 Answers


This should be exactly what you need: (It uses FlexMatch events as an example but it should apply similarly to Queue events)

Let me know if you have questions when trying to understand the samples.

Thanks, James

answered 3 years ago

Thank you, I'll check this project. I'll ask you when I have a problem with running or understanding this project :D

answered 3 years ago

I've seen the sample project. The method use in sample project is after send match making request, client using a loop to check status of match making until it get success. It's similar with Queue that I can use DescribeGameSessionPlacementAsync to get status of game session placement. This is not what I'm looking for because in documentation: REMOVEDUPLOAD

So I'm still looking for how to get status of game session placement with SNS.

answered 3 years ago

Do you have anything subscribed to the topic currently? Perhaps a Lambda function that triggers a web socket API that the client is listening on or writes info to a DynamoDB table that a client is reading from.

Here's a link of what can subscribe to a topic but I personally think Lambda would be the easiest.

answered 3 years ago

So does it mean I need a backend? Because currently, my game doesn't have backend service. It only use Unity + mirror for connection, and Firebase as backend for Login, Save user data. Is there anyway I can use SNS with Firebase?

answered 3 years ago

I haven't tried it myself, but it seems that it is possible to create a Lambda function that writes to FireBase according to this.

answered 3 years ago


Please checkout This Unity plugin contains a example backend with GameLift Queue + SNS. (See Multi-Region Fleets with Queue and Custom Matchmaker in doc)

This would help you deploy a working backend with a few simple clicks.

I wasn't able to share this with you in my last answer since it wasn't launched, but now I can! Hopefully this helps!

Thanks, James

answered 3 years ago

Thank you very much, I'll check it now :D

answered 3 years ago

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