Not able to Jumpstart Sagemaker


I am just getting started with AWS and Sakemaker. I am just getting ResourceLimitExceeded error on everything I do.

I have tried 2 things: 1) create a domain and 2) create a notebook. I am getting the same error msg.

Additional info:

I want to use us-west-1, but it auto set me to Virginia from time to time. I have tried to use I am user gesong and the root user, either works. I have create my AWS account and the I am user around 10 years, but never used it after creating them. Anything I have to do to reset it? Please let me know if you need anything else.

asked 6 months ago110 views
1 Answer


The ResourceLimitExceeded error is caused by a quota issue in your AWS account.
Please follow the instructions provided in the document below to request a SageMaker quota increase.
The document below takes an example of requesting a quota increase for an endpoint, but in your case it is probably a quota related to a notebook instance.

If you are getting an error when creating a notebook instance, you may not have enough quota for the instance type that you are trying to use with the notebook instance.

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answered 6 months ago

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