WordPress Multisite on Lightsail: If opted for DNS management records to Lightsail, email forwarding feature still work with a domain from NameCheap?



Need to connect domain with the Wordpress multisite. The tutorial suggests 'transfer management of your domain's DNS records to Lightsail'. My domain is with NameCheap and using their email forwarding feature that comes free with the NameCheap domain. In case I opt for DNS records to Lightsail, email forwarding feature still work?

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asked a month ago30 views
1 Answer

If you transfer DNS management from NameCheap to Amazon Lightsail for your WordPress Multisite setup, NameCheap's email forwarding feature will likely stop working. To maintain email forwarding, you can either:

  1. Keep DNS management with NameCheap and manually add the necessary Lightsail DNS records for your website.
  2. Recreate the email-related DNS records in Lightsail if you transfer DNS management.
  3. Use a third-party email forwarding service and configure the necessary MX records in Lightsail.

Testing and backing up your DNS settings are recommended before making any changes.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
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reviewed 10 days ago

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