SQL Server BYOL option missing


Did something change recently with license model for SQL Server in AWS RDS?

We were planning to use BYOL option but cannot see that anymore while trying to launch a instance.

asked 6 years ago2908 views
3 Answers

Response from AWS:

"Amazon RDS for SQL Server Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) program was licensed under a separate arrangement from Microsoft's standard License Mobility program . Unfortunately, Microsoft has ended the unique arrangement under which we were offering the Amazon RDS for SQL Server Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) program, which means we are no longer offering this program to new customers for all editions of SQL Server."

answered 6 years ago
Accepted Answer

BYOL for SQL Server is currently not available. I don’t know when/if it will return, and I suspect you would need to have an NDA discussion with Amazon to get any additional information. For now, if you want to use SQL Server BYOL on AWS you should self-manage the instance on EC2.

answered 6 years ago

Good to know AWS provided a public explanation.

answered 6 years ago

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