I Have Use Free Tier Account But Charge Coming


Dear AWS Support,

I hope this message finds you well.

I recently opened an AWS Free Tier account on the 2nd of August, 2024. However, I noticed a charge of R276.87 has been deducted from my account. As I am using the Free Tier, I am unsure of the reason for this charge and would appreciate your assistance in clarifying the matter.

Could you please provide more information on what this charge pertains to and whether there has been an error? I would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this issue.

Thank you for your assistance.

asked 6 months ago252 views
3 Answers

Since this involved charges on free teir i kindly ask you to create a case at https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/ explaining the situations to them and they will be able to help you

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answered 6 months ago

I recently opened an AWS Free Tier account on the 2nd of August, 2024. However, I noticed a charge of R276.87 has been deducted from my account.

AWS billing is monthly, with invoices generated at month-end. You opened your account ten days ago so you can't have been charged anything - by that I mean I don't think you will have received an invoice from AWS for usage in August, with a final total for which AWS will be taking payment from your payment method.

It is possible that a small payment was taken to validate your payment method, but if such a payment is taken it will be immediately credited back to the same payment method.

Are you seeing this when you initially login to AWS Console, in the section Cost and usage with headings Current month costs and Forecast month end costs ?

These amounts are running totals before Free Tier (and any other credits) are applied. When your bill is calculated at the end of the month and an invoice is generated, your Free Tier entitlements will be applied to arrive at the final total.

Full details of what's in-scope of Free Tier (some items are free for 12 months, some for shorter, some forever, and some never) are here https://aws.amazon.com/free/

Anything that's not listed here, assume it's chargeable. Pricing info for all services is here https://aws.amazon.com/pricing/

Advice on avoiding charges in Free Tier is here https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/free-tier-charges

Go to https://console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home#/freetier and it will show what your Free Tier entitlements are, and how much you have used of each so far.

Advice on tracking your Free Tier usage is here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/tracking-free-tier-usage.html

When your bill comes in at the end of the month and you feel you have been billed for something unfairly, your best course of action is to log a billing support case https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/billing-get-answers.html#billing-support

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answered 6 months ago


A Free Tier account means that you get some credits about some services: it's not any service in any amount.

See https://aws.amazon.com/free/?all-free-tier.sort-by=item.additionalFields.SortRank&all-free-tier.sort-order=asc&awsf.Free%20Tier%20Types=*all&awsf.Free%20Tier%20Categories=*all

So, 2 cases for charges basically while you're trying to use Free Tier:

  • you use too much of a service in the Free Tier. For example, for EC2, more than 750 hours per month of Linux, RHEL, or SLES t2.micro or t3.micro instance depending on region
  • you use a service that is not listed in the page above which describes precisely the services included in Free Tier



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answered 6 months ago

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