Amazon Connect - Is it possible to record call between bot and customer?


I've been attempting to record a call between a bot and a customer. However, the recording function seems to activate only when the customer is connected to a live agent. Is there a viable solution for this issue? Despite thoroughly examining the available documentation, I've been unable to find a relevant resolution.

asked a year ago806 views
3 Answers

There are ways to do this

1 - Use the LEX conversational logs. This will be the transcript.

2 - Use Kinesis Video Stream to fork the audio, and then post process the KVS in lambda to get the WAV file.

Thanks Dan

answered a year ago
Accepted Answer

Here is an example git repo on how to utilize KVS from Amazon Connect to record and analyze the conversation before agent

When using Lex's Conversational Log (transcript and/or Audio to S3), it is only recording what the caller is saying but not how Lex is responding, so you will get multiple wav files per utterance, and then you need to stitch it together.

Here are more reference documentation on KVS with Connect

For Lex v2

If you only interested in the Lex portion, I recommend to start with using Conversational Log and all the recent analytics capability of Lex should help you out.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thank you very much for your response. By any chance, do you know how to save the transcript in a S3 bucket using Lex?


If you’re imagining a single recording with lex, and maybe DTMF, and then the agent, the answer is no. Perhaps if you forked the call in your SBC before sending it to Connect, but natively what you’re looking for is not possible.


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answered a year ago

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