Aurora serverless, RDSDataService, executeStatement() API, " Unexpected key 'formatRecordsAs' found in params" error


Hello, I'm trying to add formatRecordsAs parameter to sqlParams for Aurora serverless RDSDataService (according to RDSDataService SDK) and getting "Unexpected key 'formatRecordsAs' found in params". Here is my code sample:

let sqlParams = {
        secretArn: storeArn.Value,
        resourceArn: dbArn.Value,
        database: dbSchema.Value,
        formatRecordsAs: 'JSON'
sqlParams.sql = `select ...`;
let data = await RDS.executeStatement(sqlParams).promise();

Note that without "formatRecordsAs" parameter all works just fine. I double checked with RDSDataService SDK docs and didn't find any inconsistency in my code. What I might possibly missing here???

Thank you,


asked 3 years ago384 views
1 Answer

Hi, if you are using a lambda function, then the sdk version in use is 2.1055 at the time of this answer (, and in this version 'formatRecordAs' parameter isn't supported.

As a workaround, you should create a lambda layer with a more recent sdk version (v3 is already available).

Hope this helps :)

answered 3 years ago

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