The security token included in the request is invalid on request to dynamoDB from Elastic beanstalk


Hello, I have Beanstalk app which trying to call dynamoDB, my code is copied from this docs -> i'm trying to perform query operation and get error The security token included in the request is invalid

When i login to ec2 this app is running on and install aws-cli i can perform dynamoDB operations

I have no access key and secret set in EB directly, do you have any ideas why i get this error ?

1 Answer

You must always have credentials to access other systems, no matter if its within AWS Org or not. You're ElasticBeanstalk should have a valid IAM role with adequate permissions to make requests to DynamoDB.

Ensure that you follow the credential chain and you do not have configured stale credentials higher up the chain which can lead to issues.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • I have it configured

    extended_ec2_policy_document = <<EOF
      "Statement": [
              "Action": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Resource": "dynamoDB arn",
              "Sid": "some sid"
      "Version": "2012-10-17"
  • AWS cli is working on ec2 with this app so i believe there is no problem with keys / credentials

  • The CLI is very likely using different credentials. In your app, call GetCallerIdentity`

  • Tried that, and get the same error about security token

  • SSH to your ElasticBeanstalk instance and export credentials using the CLI. This is the first in the chain and will solve your issue.

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