Is it possible for AWS to reset the user portal URL in SSO?


Unfortunately I didn't see or skipped over the fact that the user portal URL is permanent. I'm not sure why AWS decided this was a good idea but regardless, does anyone know if AWS support can reset this or are we forced to setup a brand new tenant? Thanks for your assistance.

asked 2 years ago2798 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


By default, your AWS SSO user portal is accessible through a URL of the form However, you can customize the URL to This change to the user portal URL is permanent, and you will not be able to edit it later.

To customize your URL

  1. Sign in to your user portal. For more information, see How to sign in to the user portal.
  2. In the AWS SSO console, under Dashboard, go to the User portal section at the bottom of the page.
  3. Choose Customize.
  4. Enter your desired domain name and choose Save.

You can now sign in to the AWS Console through your user portal with your customized URL.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • So to my original post, there is no way around this. I'm shocked and disappointed AWS makes this permanent without a way around it. Thanks for confirming.

  • It is very unfortunate. Also seemingly no way to use a cname to point to it either :/

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