I am getting Network error: Software caused connection abort


I am using a ec2 ubuntu instance and I am getting: Network error: Software caused connection abort after some time I have only installed apache2 please help

asked a year ago513 views
1 Answer

I faced a similar issue a few months ago, and I was able to resolve it by rebooting the instance. I recommend trying this solution to see if it resolves the error. Please reboot the instance and let me know if the issue is resolved. Thank you!

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answered a year ago
  • I did that, but the issue never resolved and it happened on different instances as well when in the initial one this issue happened I terminated that instance and relaunched a fresh one it again happend on this fresh one and I rebooted it multiple times upon rebooting the instance multiple times also the issue was not resolved

    Since I was only testing Apache2 Squid and Nginx and configurations I did it on a open ubuntu virtual box

    If I will face this issue again and if your solution works I will let you know

    Thank you Best Regards

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