Coding study


Good morning, I don't have programming compentencies, but I'm very keen in tts. I use Polly with SSML. I'm considering to start a web developer course and would like to ask you if php7 can be used for Amazon Polly with good results. Moreover, what is the most useful programming language I could study to get the best out of text to speech? Thank you so much.

asked 4 years ago267 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi LBajard!

There are Amazon Polly SDKs available in many languages. You can check the full list of officially supported there:

There are also code examples for each, including PHP, which are quite simple, so you can start using them with minimum of coding experience.

I wish you many successes in your pursue of web development skills and have a lot of fun and satisfaction with adding Text-to-Speech features to your applications!

Best Regards,

Patryk from Amazon Polly team

answered 4 years ago

Thank you so much :)

answered 4 years ago

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