KMS Activation Errorr: 0xC004F074


Hi, When doing a test like it's advised in it's successful

Test-Netconnection -port 1688
TcpTestSucceeded : True

But we still get the error

Error: 0xC004F074 The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information.

The Registry is set to

KeyManagementServicePort 1688

This occurs on all instances, also on new ones created without templates Thanks for any hints

asked 24 days ago96 views
2 Answers


This article might help you resolve this issue:

This error occurs for one of the following reasons:
1. The Software Protection Platform Service (sppsvc service) on the KMS host has stopped running.
2. There are networking issues between the KMS client and the KMS host server. For example, TCP 1688 traffic is blocked between the KMS client and the KMS host server.
3. There's an incorrect or old KMS host server record in the Domain Name System (DNS).
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answered 24 days ago

HI, Thanks for the quick reply. But it's an AWS provided key, which needs to be activated by the aws KMS

  1. Therefore we can't control the AWS KMS (
  2. powershell command Test-Netconnection -port 1688 is successful
  3. KMS is set correct via slmgr.vbs /skms and no DNS as no hostnames but IP . These settings were also applied when setting up the instance from the EC2 Enter image description here

Enter image description here

answered 24 days ago

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