Error while importing OVA file . Case ID 12737395501 |


Hi Team,

We have customer who needs this OVA to be restored and on working conditions in AWS EC2 console. This OVA file is created from running EC2 Machine only, 2-3 weeks back. Now restoration is not working ?

We are getting error while: "StatusMessage": "ClientError: Unsupported kernel version 5.15.0-1019-aws",

Please help.

{ "ImportImageTasks": [ { "Description": "IMD-Dashboard", "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-011c03650183e37b9", "SnapshotDetails": [ { "DeviceName": "/dev/sde", "DiskImageSize": 41561256960.0, "Format": "VMDK", "Status": "completed", "Url": "s3://ihub-storage-ohio/export-i-0ddfc02fd15dae69e.ova", "UserBucket": { "S3Bucket": "ihub-storage-ohio", "S3Key": "export-i-0ddfc02fd15dae69e.ova" } } ], "Status": "deleted", "StatusMessage": "ClientError: Unsupported kernel version 5.15.0-1019-aws", "Tags": [] } ] }

1 Answer

"Unsupported kernel version" means that the AWS VM Import/Export service does not support the Linux kernel version used by the VM you're trying to import.

The VM Import/Export service supports importing VMs with specific versions of certain Linux distributions, including RHEL, CentOS, SUSE Linux, Ubuntu Server, and Debian.

You can check the following document for supported OS and kernel versions

If possible, you could try updating the kernel of the VM you're trying to import to a supported version. You would need to do this before creating the OVA file. However, be aware that updating the kernel can have other impacts on your system, so it's important to test this thoroughly.

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answered a year ago

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