[InternalServerError] Any way to get more specific error message


I'm trying to get Personalize to work with my data, and it looks like all requirements are met, but I'm still getting "InternalServerError: We encountered an internal error. Please try again." error when initializing Solution creation.

Batch imports of Users, Items, and Interactions went well, so it checks out with schemas so I don't have any idea on what's wrong here. Is there a way to get more specific error message or an example of invalid data?

  • I''m having similar issues with AWS Personalize recently. Data loads work perfectly. Solution creation always results in an InternalServerError. I've reloaded data from a previous working Dataset/Solution, exact same data, exact same files on S3, exact same solution type (custom solution). However this still results in an Error. It seems independent of data, schema, solution, it all results in this error. CloudTrail is useless. And it taking advice from the previous answers, Support ticket is unaccessible without a service plan.

asked 3 years ago1383 views
4 Answers

In which step of process do you receive the error? Are the schema well formed?

answered 3 years ago
  • I'm receiving this error during the Solution version's creation. Schemas should not be the issue as I checked them against the documentation and found no issue.


CloudTrail may provide more detail about the error. You can read more about CloudTrail with Personalize here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/personalize/latest/dg/logging-using-cloudtrail.html

You might be exceeding one of the maximums of the Personalize service. Review the Service Maximums as specified in the developer docs here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/personalize/latest/dg/personalize-dg.pdf

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago
  • CloudTrail, as I've read, will only help with API calls - that won't give me any useful insights, sadly.


I believe I may have found a resolution. It appears that AWS Personalize has a Items Service Quota for training, I.e. if you exceed this amount of Items then a solution/model training will fail. This quota is 750k as seen in the documentation. I took a previous solution that was failing, limited the Item dataset to 750k, and magically the solution finished training.

This is potentially problematic if you have a larger Items Data set. But it also seems that the quota may potentially be increased with a standard support ticket that does not require paid support.

answered 3 years ago

I would raise a support ticket for this issue. The support team have the ability to troubleshoot within the service to determine what failed in this case.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago
  • Is there other way to submit a ticket than with paid developer support?

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