Unable to start notebook instance due to: [The requested resource notebook-instance/total_accelerator_count is not available in this region]


Seemingly at random, I am no longer able to start one specific notebook instance in Sagemaker due to the error listed in the subject. I have verified that other notebook instances are accessible, however. I have also tried changing the instance type to several different options with no luck.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

asked a year ago696 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It appears that the solution was to remove the elastic inference setting.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • ^ correct, Starting April 15, 2023, AWS will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. -- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/ei.html

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