Tax exemption on international invoices


Hi - as a company based in France, with a verified International Tax Number - we are still being charged Tax on our monthly bill. Why is that and how can we overcome this issue in the future.

asked a year ago347 views
2 Answers

The re:Post community doesn't have visibility of your account, and that includes the tax status associated with it. You're advised to engage AWS Billing Support to progress this

If you have an Enterprise-level support plan then you can also reach out to an account manager.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

The way how you are charged tax depends on your tax settings. I assume that you have the FR VAT number, and I assume that you have not updated this information on your accounts, which is why the invoices you receive might have wrong tax info. Here's a knowledge center article to learn more about updating your tax settings:

As mentioned in the previous comment - only the support team will be able to advise you on the specifics of your accounts, so please open a billing support case. If you have Organization with multiple account - open your case from the Management Payer account, and the support team member will be able to advise regarding the tax information across accounts in your Organization.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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