How to set actions in Amazon Connect Step by Step Guide (Forms View)


I want to click on 'next' to move on to 'step 2' as shown in screenshot 1. but it dosent bring me from step 1 to step 2 even after clicking on 'next'. how do i resolve this? am i suppose to set an action under 'next' as shown in screenshot 2?

Screenshot1 Screenshot2

asked a year ago626 views
1 Answer

Hello, Thank you for posting on AWS re:Post forum. I am Tom from AWS Support. Reviewing on the screenshots, I assume this is the setup page for step-by-step guides for the Amazon Connect agent workspace. After reading the guide for setting up Agent Workspace [1], I see that we will have to set up each action button for successfully transition from one view to another. For example, when reviewing on the flow JSON definition [2] for the create luggage claim flow, I see that each block has a Transitions field with NextAction properly defined. As shown in this API documentation explanation [3], NextAction is the field to determine which block to transition next when agent clicked on a button.

So, it is necessary to set an action, as shown in the 2nd screenshot for your post for the flow to be fully connected. You may also troubleshoot through exporting the Contact Flow [4], and evaluate if any of the NextAction field is not defined or invalid.

I hope the above information helps. Thank you again for posting on AWS re:Post. Have a nice day.

Links and References [1] [2] [3] [4]

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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