Migrate RDS MySQL 8.0.28 to Aurora MySQL


Hi, it seems Aurora MySQL supports up to MySQL 8.0.23. I'd like to migrate a 2TB database from RDS MySQL 8.0.28 to Aurora MySQL. What's the best practice to do this migration quickly and without losing data or having downtime?

3 Answers

Hello, The best approach at the moment is to use a 2 step approach to migrate from MySQL to Aurora Serverless.

Step 1 - Is migrate to Aurora provisioned through a read replica https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraMySQL.Migrating.RDSMySQL.Replica.html

Step 2 - Is migrate from Aurora provisioned to Aurora Serverless from a snapshot https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless.restorefromsnapshot.html

Let me know if this is helpful and click accept answer !!

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Hi, unfortunately this is not possible. I want to migrate from RDS MySQL to Aurora MySQL (not serverless). I tried creating an Aurora read replica from the RDS instance, but it fails, saying that MySQL 8.0.28 is not supported in Aurora (docs also say that it supports only up to 8.0.23).

    So it seems that any version above MySQL 8.0.23 cannot be upgraded from RDS to Aurora?

    Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

  • I am facing the same problem. I am looking for a solution to this problem.

  • I have the same problem. Has there been any resolution. What options are there to go from RDS Myql8.0.28 to Aurora?


You have multiple options.

  1. Use DMS as if you are migrating from On-prem to Aurora. DMS can migrate across different versions with Full database and change data option. Cutover when the replication lag is 0.
  2. use mysqldmp to export logical data dump of your source system and then import into Aurora initially and then use DMS for ongoing replication and then cutover then the replication lag is 0.

Both these options should work. If you are using any MySQL 8.0.28 specific functionality

answered a year ago

Provided the managed RDS to Aurora migration option using Snapshot and Read replica is limited to Aurora version 8.0.23 and below , we need to reply on self managed migration approach which are as below :-

  1. Using AWS DMS for migration between RDS to Aurora MySql.
  2. Physical Migration using Percona Xtrabackup . Amazon RDS for MySQL supports migration from Percona XtraBackup files stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket from source MySQL versions 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0.For a MySQL 8.0 migration, you must use Percona XtraBackup 8.0.12 and higher.
  3. Logical Migration using Mysqldump. You can also use Multi-threaded migration using mydumper and myloader.
answered a year ago

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