S3CustomResource CREATE FAILED.


I want to create a stack with this CloudFormation template https://amazonconnectcontactsurveys.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/contact-surveys-amazon-connect.yaml but The stack creation getting failed with with an error message.

Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: 2022/12/21/[$LATEST]a2587d42e55b418d9fa32f08f3363fa5 (RequestId: 40ab7429-146b-4a71-9514-4bd9ec606e7e)

And I can't find the logs in the CloudWatch Console as well. Any help would be appreciated.

asked 2 years ago1449 views
1 Answer

You'll need to identify the log group that's associated with the log stream. The log group will be associated with the lambda function that sets up the custom resource. Lambda function log groups are prefixed with /aws/lambda/ then the function name. The default function name for this resource should have some reference to the stack name.

I'd navigate to Cloud Watch, click on Log Groups, then look at the log groups that begin with /aws/lambda/ and identify which one relates to the stack you tried to create. Next, click on that log group then find the log stream that's referenced in your error message.


answered 2 years ago

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