RDS MySQL upgrade from 5.7.44 to 8.0.28, need to remove a stored procedure named `mysql.flush_rewrite_rules`but have no permissions to do so


I am trying to upgrade MySQL from 5.7.44 to 8.0.28 and I end up needing to remove a stored procedure named mysql.flush_rewrite_rules but I have no permissions to do so. Therefor I am blocked and can't udpate. I want to update to prevent the extra expenses that keeping the version 5.7.44 brings. Also can't contact support because I'm in basic plan, so I have no way to ask RDS development team to do it for me. Do I need to buy some support plan just to ask for it? Any other workaround?

asked 5 months ago194 views
1 Answer

Hello, The prechecks fail because there is a usage of a reserved keyword query in the body of the procedure mysql.flush_rewrite_rules This is a bug and fixed in 8.0.31 <The upgrade checker utility did not detect reserved words in stored routines. (Bug #33866437)> .

Please try upgrade to 8.0.31 or higher version.

Please note that error can be ignored and the upgrade can be completed with no detrimental effects.

Additional information can be found here: [+] Changes in MySQL Shell 8.0.31 (2022-10-11, General Availability): https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql-shell/8.0/en/news-8-0-31.html

If you prefer to upgrade to 8.0.28 only, There are 2 ways to consider,

  1. Contact support to drop the procedure to proceed with the upgrade.
  2. Dump the databases from 5.7.44 and load on 8.0.28 version.
answered 4 months ago

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