Question lightsail + cloudfront + subdomains


Hello everybody!
First of all I apologize for my bad English.

I currently have a project in Hostinger, it is a website in php, mysql, html, css, etc.
I am looking to migrate to a VPS to be able to create the number of subdomains I need without having a limit like the one I currently have with Hostinger. For that, create an instance in AWS Lightsail and install a hosting panel "HestiaCP", I was able to create a public IP and point my domain to the AWS DNS to access my site.
The problem is that I want to enable Cloudfront, and when creating the certificate it does not allow me to enter wildcards so that all my subdomains can enter through cloudfront.

Is there a way for all requests to my main domain or any of my subdomains to go through Cloudfront and then go to Lightsail instance?

Thank you very much for your time.

EDIT: All subdomains must point to different folders, they behave like different websites.

Edited by: gabriel292 on May 27, 2021 5:10 PM

asked 3 years ago366 views
2 Answers

Hello Gabriel,

Thanks for choosing Lightsail!

Sorry for not supporting wildcard in Lightsail Distribution Certificate. Currently, Lightsail Distribution Certificate supports up to 9 alternative domain names (Alternative domain not supporting wildcard). Will take this feedback (Wildcard Supporting) to our PM.


answered 3 years ago

Hello yiranaws!! That would be amazing! Thank you very much and hopefully they can enable wildcards for subdomains.

answered 3 years ago

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