Sudden problem with Amazon Lightsail PLESK instance


I am a Linux beginner, and I have been running PLESK Lightsail instance for 2 years for my organisation's website running WordPress. Yesterday The CPU utilisation suddenly constantly exceeded the Sustainable zone. When looking at the TOP command processes, I saw that the PHP & php-fpm are taking almost 100% CPU. They are not reduced even when I closed ports 80 and 443. I have tried to stop apache and nginx too, but the PHP and php-fpm were still running.

Curiously, the website is still running and accessible.

I also can't login to PLESK, receiving this message after I click submit button:

Server Error 500 Error Class 'PleskExt\Monitoring\Helper\CloudMonitoring' not found

Type Error Message Class 'PleskExt\Monitoring\Helper\CloudMonitoring' not found File CustomButtons.php Line 49

I tried to use PLESK repair utility but it doesn't seem helping much, after I enter command "plesk repair all -y" the screen just freeze and I can't do anything with the terminal.

Have any of you experienced this?


asked 2 years ago364 views
1 Answer

I am not familiar with PLESK. But whenever I have seen sudden problems with servers where "nothing else changed" it was normally related to finite resources being consumed.

  • Have you checked the disk that is attached to the lightsail instance, is it full?
  • Have you hit a memory constraint?
  • Are you running a database on the instance? If so, have you hit a max connections limit?
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answered 2 years ago
  • Hi Dave, After some investigation, I found a list of possible disk space problems. However, the main storage seems okay since it still has plenty of space: /dev/xvda1 on / 574.49 GB of 620.35 GB total

    Maybe the one I listed below was the cause? Btw I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 with Plesk 18.0.20. Any idea how to increase the storage below? /dev/loop0 on /snap/amazon-ssm-agent/5656 0.00 B of 25.13 MB total /dev/loop1 on /snap/core/13886 0.00 B of 115.00 MB total /dev/loop2 on /snap/core/13741 0.00 B of 115.00 MB total /dev/loop4 on /snap/amazon-ssm-agent/6312 0.00 B of 24.50 MB total /dev/loop3 on /snap/core18/2560 0.00 B of 55.63 MB total /dev/loop5 on /snap/core18/2566 0.00 B of 55.63 MB total

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