Cloudformation WAF Association


Hi All, I'm trying to create a WebAcl waf association with a ALB using Jenkins Ci/CD. The Jenkins user has full admin permissions on the account. I've even added:

- PolicyName: Regional-Waf
            Version: "2012-10-17"
              Effect: Allow
                - wafv2:*
              Resource: "*"

Just to make sure... But... I get the following cloudformation AFTER the association is created... Resource handler returned message: "User: arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:user/Jenkins is not authorized to perform: wafv2:GetWebACL on resource: arn:aws:wafv2:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:regional/webacl/waf-webacl-qa/789b4eed-77cf-4108-918f-0fa016a14cf7 with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy (Service: Wafv2, Status Code: 400, Request ID: ccba5209-7fb7-4ac9-b358-90131bf45e3d, Extended Request ID: null)" (RequestToken: 0bdbad29-c5b9-7fcc-51f6-fe011d6b8057, HandlerErrorCode: GeneralServiceException)

So, YES to association is created by the Jenkins user. But immediately after that, cfn gives this error... The WAF is Regional. So no cloudfront.

1 Answer

Found the fix... Just don't understand it... I had a Ip restricion policy attached to the Jenkins user with the IP's of the agents and master...

 - PolicyName: IPRestricteddPolicyForServiceAccounts
            Version: "2012-10-17"
              Effect: Deny
              Action: "*"
              Resource: "*"
                    - *******/32
                    - ********/32
                    - *******/32
                    - *******/32

Removing this one fixed it... But can somebody explain to me... Why?

answered 2 years ago

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