Associating a specific resources to WAF classic and WAF v2


I'm trying to associate WAF classic and WAF v2 to a specific resource in my environment so that I can compare metrics from both web ACLs before upgrading to WAF v2. During my test, each time I associate the resource to one web ACL, it removes the resource from the previous association. Any suggestions on how to implement WAF classic and WAF v2 on the same resource so I can compare metrics before disassociating WAF classic

asked 2 years ago575 views
1 Answer

Hi, There is a Restrictions on multiple associations:

  • You can associate a single web ACL with one or more AWS resources, according to the following restrictions:
  • You can associate each AWS resource with only one web ACL. The relationship between web ACL and AWS resources is one-to-many.
  • You can associate a web ACL with one or more CloudFront distributions. You cannot associate a web ACL that you have associated with a CloudFront distribution with any other AWS resource type **Refer this for more information **-
answered 2 years ago

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