Can't include unity.h for unit testing with aws freertos


I would like to set up unit testing in my project. I had an issue with including unity.h as it was not detected. I recently found that unit test folders for AWS components always have a unity folder in them. Would it be possible to make unity.h as a component that can be included in projects or is the only way to also include a unity folder in my project ?

Thank You

asked 4 years ago482 views
1 Answer

Unity is part of cmock and is included as submodule in:
in amazon-freertos it is included in
To have it checked out, You will have to clone with submodules (git clone <repository> --recurse-submodules )or just type git submodule init && git submodule update to checkout cmock and unity in an already cloned repository.

answered 3 years ago

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