Propagation time for ACM reimport


On reimporting certificate in ACM how long does it take for the imported certificate to propagate to associated resources? Does the time vary depending on the resource i.e ELB vs Cloudfront? Also if there are existing connections to the ALB while the cert is imported into ACM, how long does it take to drain the connections to the old cert and apply the new ones.

2 Answers


For CloudFront, it may take 24 hours.
The re-import process itself is asynchronous, so it may take some time even for ALBs.

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answered 3 months ago
  • Is there a similar document on how cert renewal in ACM and ALBs work, and the factors that dictate the times taken for all the new requests to use the new cert?

  • I did a little searching, but couldn't find any detailed documentation about ALB.


Looks like we need documentation for the topic covering ALB certificates

answered 3 months ago

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