Migrating RHEL servers on-prem to AWS via AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) with BYOS/BYOL


We are currently planning to migrate our on-premises RHEL servers to AWS using AWS Application Migration Service (MGN). However, we want to ensure that the migration is done with BYOS (Bring Your Own Subscription) or BYOL (Bring Your Own License) for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). According to the MGN documentation, RHEL must have Cloud Access (BYOL) licenses to be recovered in AWS. Now, we have two questions regarding this process. Firstly, what is the proper way to enable Red Hat Cloud Access? We have found two methods - a. single registration, and b. adding accounts manually, but we want to make sure we follow the correct approach. Secondly, how can we verify that the instances launched from AWS MGN are indeed operating under the BYOS/BYOL licensing model? We have noticed that the BYOL option is not readily available for Linux servers in the general launch settings.

Question 1: How can we enable Red Hat Cloud Access in the proper way to ensure BYOS/BYOL for RHEL servers while migrating to AWS using AWS MGN? We have come across two methods - a. single registration, and b. adding accounts manually. Which one should we follow to ensure compliance with licensing requirements?

Question 2: As we proceed with the migration of RHEL servers to AWS using AWS MGN, we aim to operate these instances under the BYOS/BYOL licensing model. However, we couldn't find the BYOL option for Linux servers in the general launch settings. How can we confirm that the instances we launch from AWS MGN are indeed operating under the BYOS/BYOL licensing model?

1 Answer

AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) automatically ensures that the Linux licenses of the instances you migrate get converted to BYOL.

In the launch settings table for MGN, you will see an option for Operating system licensing within the General launch settings section. This will be defaulted to BYOL for Linux instances.

From an AWS perspective, you can confirm that the instance is indeed BYOL by looking at the value of Usage Operation in your launched EC2 instance.

answered a year ago

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