Will AWS update its SDK for Unreal 5.4?


My project is using AWS for backend and heavily depends on it. Unreal Engine updated to 5.4 a few weeks ago and I'd love to update my project too to make use of new features. However, AWS SDK plugin is still on 5.3. Do you intend to update the sdk? And if so, can the GameLift team schedule these updates to follow Unreal's more closely? Before a big Unreal version update comes out, it's avaliable on early access for a few months, which should be plenty enough for a head start if you schedule for it. For games in development such updates are very important.

asked 4 months ago156 views
1 Answer

Hello! Thanks for the feedback. We have received feature requests for Unreal Engine version 5.4 support for our plugin, and the team is currently planning to address this in future releases.

answered a month ago

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