Getting charged a lot of money every month.


I'm getting charged a lot of money every month and I'm not sure why. I looked at my bill and I still could not find anything. Please help me figure out what I have running that is costing me so much money. My Phone number is **********. Please help.

Thanks, Anthony Holland

asked a year ago366 views
1 Answer

Hello Anthony!

If you're looking at your bill, I'd be going off your AWS Billing Dashboard. Go to the Billing > Bills section from the left hand side, and in the main window, you'll be able to see the Charges by Service, which should hopefully point you in the right direction.

Another route, as previously mentioned, is to use the Cost Explorer which will tell you what services you're being billed for.

I would also recommend reaching out to our support team, so they're able to assist you with the account, especially if you're being billed for these.

answered a year ago

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