Connect a Plesk Lightsail Instance to a Mysql RDS Database


How do I connect a Plesk Lightsail Instance to a Mysql RDS Database?

I already enabled VPC Peering and add the IP of the instance to the security group of the RDS, but it still not working.


2 Answers

Check your route table has the correct IP route in your vpc/subnet route table back to the lightsail VPC. You will need to add one as this isn’t created automatically.

Without a route, the return traffic will follow the default route or one that has a better preference.

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answered 2 years ago

Is the Lightsail IP address set in the security group a private IP address?
Access via VPC peering, so if Lightsail's private IP address is not configured, you will not be able to connect.

Also, check again that you have a peer connection to the correct VPC where RDS is running.
It is also recommended to check the network ACLs used on the RDS subnet to be sure.

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answered 2 years ago

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