Ip address, domain name and google indexing related help needed


Hello everyone, i need help regarding the following:

After adding our domain to AWS and routing traffic to our instance by doing the elastic IP thing etc, will our WordPress EC2 instance still be accessible from the public IP address?

Currently, I have my wordpress website on AWS, but instead of adding my domain to AWS, I am using Cloudflare. Something like this: — Record Name: A-record — Name: Domain name (@ for root) — IPv4 Address: IPv4 address of my AWS instance set up earlier.

Currently, my website on AWS is accessible from both the IP address and domain name, and Google is indexing the IP address as well, which looks quite unprofessional. I want my instance only be availed from domain name.

Is there any way to have our WordPress websites on AWS something like we have on GoDaddy, hostinger and other hosting providers. A dedicated cpanel etc.

Waiting for your response.

Thankyou .

asked 2 years ago289 views
1 Answer

After adding your domain to AWS and routing traffic to your EC2 instance using an elastic IP, your WordPress website will still be accessible from the public IP address. However, you can configure your WordPress installation to only be accessible from the domain name by updating the site URL and home URL in the WordPress settings. This will ensure that any requests made to the IP address will redirect to the domain name.

As for the Google indexing issue, you can prevent Google from indexing your IP address by updating your robots.txt file to disallow indexing of the IP address. This will help ensure that your website appears only under your domain name in search engine results.

Regarding your question about having a dedicated cPanel like GoDaddy or Hostinger, AWS does not provide a cPanel out of the box. However, you can set up a cPanel-like interface using a third-party software like Webmin, which provides a web-based interface for server administration. Alternatively, you can use a managed WordPress hosting service like WP Engine or Kinsta, which provides a custom dashboard for managing your WordPress site.

answered 2 years ago

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