Carbon Footprint shows values of 0



when I open the carbon footprint usage on the billing page the values are zero. I think this is not very realistic, because we were running big virtual machines. I added the sustainability rule to my IAM Role:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "aws-portal:ViewBilling",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "sustainability:GetCarbonFootprintSummary",
            "Resource": "*"

My user has Billing and Adminrights as well. Our account is using start-up credits. Any idea why it shows values of 0? The account exists for over two years now, so the time horizont should be fine?

2 Answers

Hi Karo,

The graphs in the Customer Carbon Footprint Tool (CCFT) measure emissions in tenths of metric tons. If your emissions do not round up to at least 0.1 MTCO2e, it will display as zero.

You can also download the CSV of the data which can show up to three decimal places. You could download the data to see if emissions are registering there. Here's a short article that shows screenshots of the CSV files and additional info on the tool.

Also, if you run in one of the 19 AWS Regions that were electricity consumed was attributed to 100% renewable energy in 2022, you may see low to no emissions on your report. Those 19 AWS regions I mentioned are listed in the page below.



answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tools shows data of actuals, thus it will show data that is atleast older than 3 months. E.g. in month of oct, you can get report of carbon emissions for the month July. This is because we get data from our electricity suppliers and collate the same.

answered 10 months ago

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