CPU spiked and eth0: Failed


I am using t3a.micro ubuntu instance, where in the last 3 months, the same issue has occurred twice. The pattern I have seen is, regardless of instance usage CPU suddenly spikes up to 70/80 % stays in the same state for around 3/4 hours. Meanwhile, I get the syslog as eth0: Could not set DHCPv4 address: Connection timed out. and instance status check fails.

We have checked the instance/application usage and it doesn't seem to be a problem. We cannot figure out what is causing the issue. Note - A similar issue occurred on a different server as well.

asked 13 days ago33 views
1 Answer


To action plan to address the CPU spikes and network issues on your t3a.micro instance please follow below steps it would be resolve.

  • This can resolve temporary issues. Go to the AWS Management Console, find your instance, and select "Reboot."
  • Consider upgrading to a larger instance (EX.t3a.small). This provides more resources to handle CPU spikes.
  • Ensure that your security groups and network ACLs allow necessary traffic. Confirm that there are no rules blocking your instance’s network.
  • Check the logs in /var/log/syslog for errors related to DHCP and network issues. Look for entries that correlate with the times of the CPU spikes.
  • Set up CloudWatch to track CPU usage and network metrics. Look for patterns in usage during spikes.
  • Use top or htop to identify any processes that might be using CPU resources heavily during spikes.
answered 12 days ago
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reviewed 12 days ago

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